Humanistic Take on Fear & What Fear of the Lord Is
My devotions these past these days centered on Wanda Sanseri’s God’s Priceless Woman —a 182-page study manual of Biblical models on how a godly woman should live. I went over this material a year ago, but the lessons got somehow lost with the daily grind. It took me another crack of serious studying to be refreshed anew of the timeless insights and spiritual jewels hidden in its pages. Indeed, it pays to keep books at arm’s length even as they have been read twice over. One can never fully grasp any read in just one sitting. Every flick of a page opens up to new realizations and new insights that somehow escaped my finite understanding as first time reader. This week, I was particularly struck with the lesson on Fearing God. There are two definitions of “Fear” in my elder brother’s musty, worn-out, 1996Webster Comprehensive Dictionary. First, it is defined as “ an emotion excited by threatening evil or impending pain, accompanied by a desire to avoid or escape it .” It...