Let's Be Wary of Those Traps
I woke up today with a resolve to revive my ten-minute writing regimen to perk up my brain. It has been quite sometime since I last posted an entry in my blog, although I ve been spending time reading info on the web especially the litemind blog where I devoured valuable insights on how to improve my thinking life. I read about the thinking traps --all ten of them and what we can do to foolproof our mind. These traps hinder us from thinking rationally, and subsequently from making effective decisions. These are the following (in no particular order): (1) Anchoring Trap Sometimes we base our thoughts on the ideas other people feed us. For example, if we were asked, "is the population of Naga City around 500,000? " Instead of getting the hard facts, we tend to answer with the ideas given as our "anchor." Perhaps we say, "more or less within that range" as we think that the info we received especially if ...