When the Steam Wanes

It has been more than two weeks now since I did serious writing. I have not had the momentum to pen my thoughts lately because of the sudden change in our routine and the minor disruption in our life right now as a result of taking a sick family member home with us. I have lost much sleep as well so much so that I need to take my Mosegor Vita again just so I could catch some sleep. It has been a helter-skelter week indeed. Hub has been going to and fro, driving, running some errands, and likewise setting aside for the time being his assignments. I have been on a spin as well, tagging along with him and doing some chores especially in the kitchen. My lovey (writing, what else?) has been placed in the back burner for now. Indeed, when you lose your train of thoughts because the environment is no longer conducive to writing, it is just difficult to start again. It is like going back to the drawing board once more and exerting much effort to gather one’s thoughts and pen them...