What I Have Been Up To

Whoa, a month has slipped that fast! Been busy juggling my multiple roles as wife, mom, teacher-mom and yup, businesswoman. Good thing, I am able to do all these under one thatched roof.
Playing Wifey
I found myself playing the supportive partner to my hubby dear who's been barraged with business concerns from duping partners who appeared as wolves in sheep's clothing. The guy was hurt and I was too. Never thought we would be played around with people we regarded as friends and whom we trusted much. Well, what lesson did we learn from this? -- Be wary... HD keeps on saying, we should trust but we should also watch. I guess we have not been that watchful. We were too trusting.
The Mom
My leave of absence made me take to heart my role as Mom. Time spent with the kids is just so short and precious, so it's better to make the most of it. For all I know, I will just wake up one day in an empty nest, with my two sons already on their own-- flip-flopping their sturdy (hope so!) wings, building their own nests. Hu, hu. Can't imagine letting go of them. My future daughters-in-law should brace themselves up for a face-off with their "biyenan" (mother-in-law).
It's never too late to improve as a Mom. I give credit to a book I bought at ENLI- "Mighty Mom's Secrets for Raising Super Kids" by Gwendolyn Diaz for giving me a new perspective on raising my two boys. The author is a mom to four males (now all grown-up) and she sure knows what she says. While reading the book, Iv'e tried mind mapping strategy so I can remember/retain all the key points which I hope to apply in my own situation. (I am a voracious reader, but poor me, I have memory gap. I seem to leave within the pages much of what I devoured the moment I return the read on the shelf.)
I am particularly struck by a simple quote from Jackie O fittingly highlighted by the Author.
"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much."
The Teacher-Mom
It's schooldays once more. Rovik is now in grade four and we are now on our third year of home-schooling! I still feel I have not been spending enough time educating the kiddo, although his test results tell otherwise. All my plans are still, that is, unimplemented and I hope to see more action this school year especially in our creative writing program. I also need to finish Howard Hendrick's book-- "Teaching to Change Lives."
My MBM in Action
Our micro-financing and lending business has been in full swing since we started middle of February. I have been glued in Excel for the financial records. I think we need the Quickbooks now.
I am also the new detergent queen. Since mid-May, I have been supplying the detergent needs (powder, bar, fabric conditioner, dshwahng liquid) of my micro-financing clients and the laundrywomen servicing the trainees of FNTI and ITG.