MANNY, You Are Still Our Man

It has been six days since Pacman's stunning loss against his greatest foe--Juan Manuel Marquez. Like everyone else, I felt bad knowing JuanMa sent him to snooze land with a devastating right hook -- a punch, he alleged, he never saw coming. I didn't get to watch the fight last December 8 as it was a Sunday and it coincided with our church service. Pastor Jay, in fact, commented that he would be competing with the Pac. Much as I am a pac fan, I knew I had to attend first to my soul, and as usual, the ever eloquent JJ did not disappoint. (His sermon, "Are you finishing the race? Or is the race finishing you?" was as powerful as it was emotionally charged. Thanks to his anecdotes and experiences with his mother's faith. For over an hour, I was hooked to his preaching that whatever excitement I felt for the PacMarq fight just vanished into thin air. Then, the news... I was with the fam at Festival Mall doing our post-lunch window shopping whe...