We have been complimenting the kiddo as of late about his striking similarity
 with one of the hottest moviestars in the country--- the youthful Coco Martin. For reasons unknown to us, he pouts, frowns and angrily reacts, as though he’s received a lashing instead of a compliment. Here’s what usually transpires:

Dad: (while driving, notices the gaint billboard of Coco in an ad campaign for Max’s) Oh, it’s Orvik!
Rovik: Yah, you really look like him.

Mom: (sings, Co-coro-co-co, Paloma..) So handsome...
Orvik: (covers his ears in disgust, shouts) Nabuang na kayo kay Coco! (You are crazy over Coco!) I don’t like him!

Mom: But you look like him.

Orvik: No!

Dad: Okay. You don’t look like him.  Coco looks like you!
Orvik: (shouting) They are just the same!!!
Our Little Man

 We are all amused.

Hearthrob Coco 


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