Time is almost Up

For the past months, I have been scouring the net and devouring articles related to endtime events and Biblical prophesies that are unfolding right before our eyes at an accelerated if not whirlwind pace. As we examine the confluence of events taking place in unprecedented fashion - haywire in the geophysical realm which includes increasing rumblings (earthquakes), appearance of sinkholes, stirrings of the waters (tsunamis and hurricanes), flooding, scorching heat, etc., the political upheavals and civil unrest in nations across the globe, outbreak of diseases, breakdown of social and moral values as depicted by outlandish celebrations and exultations over the legal triumph of gay marriage --- whew, it certainly looks like malevolent spirits long chained are now on the loose spreading gloom and doom and randomly shooting unsuspecting (snoozing) mankind with their flaming darts. Go figure.. scroll down this page and hit the links concerning these prophetic even...