Edgy but Believing

I have been on pins and needles lately. I haven't felt like this for quite a long time--it's a cause for concern. Could it be that I have not been walking in faith, as I should? Could it be that I have been trusting much on the flesh? Or could it be that we are in for a test?

What ever it is, I feel my defenses starting to crumble. I am (and we all are) at my Father's mercy. I need to unload this burden within, to experience once more the peace and joy that come from walking in close communion with my maker. Yup, I realize this race is hard, indeed. I need to be on my toes, with undivided and uninterrupted gaze on the cross -- the symbol of my strength, of triumph over evil.

Oh, Father, you know what we are into right now. in whatever situation we may be in, please keep us in your fold always. You will never ever give us a load we can't bear. Grant us your heart that we may fervently seek your leading in our lives. We lay down on your feet all that we are, all that we have, and all that we will ever be. You are the Great I am, the Eternal One --consistent in your loving and faithful in your promises.

Thank you for being you--that you are not a man who always changes his mind, who doesn't keep his oath and who says one thing yet does another, who thinks mainly of his own interests, who hurts intentionally and boasts of his fleeting works. No, you are the unchanging one --the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Where our circumstances alter, where our lives shake, where our spirits weaken, you are there the Faithful One to see us through. You are good no matter what the situation is, and we can look up with such hope knowing that your love is never bound by our situations. It is always there --- throbbing,persisting and enduring. Thank you Lord Jesus for showing the Father's love. Count me in to show also the same kind of love.


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