I am Free!

Today is October 20, exactly two weeks since I last posted. Whew, in just that span of time so much transpired already particularly in my work life.If I were to describe the events that took shape as I allowed my encoding fingers their two-week respite, it would be -- dramatic! And why not? I made a life-changing decision, I stood up to what I believed in, and in doing so even shed a tear or two.The future is still uncertain but I know, there is nothing to be afraid of at all.

Just a brief narration of what I went through.

I had my application for a one-year vacation leave (without pay) approved by no less than the undersecretary for public safety. After securing the signature of my agency head, I had to tag along with my former boss to get to the Department head to finally unseal the last nail of the coffin. No major questions asked (well, he asked me if I was going abroad to work. And I shook my head. I was tempted though to say, I might be -- but not to work but to have a grandiose vacation away from the shackles, misery and disappointments of public service.Uumph.Tact got the better of me.) That final signature was all I needed to see to exclaim (inwardly) "I AM FREE!"
I wanted to sing, dance, do the swing, boogie and cha-cha, even tumble and split to the pulsating tune of "Gloria!" Ha, ha. I felt like a POW who just regained his authority and freedom to enjoy his civil rights sans the fear of recrimination.

I'm having a good view to a kill.The end of my imprisonment to an 8-5 routine has afforded me boundless opportunities to do the stuff I want, mundane as they may seem to impenetrable eyes -- finish my book (a possible inheritance to my budding writer-son), segregate my kids' hand-me down clothes and toys for gift-giving, take my final exam in TESOL, finish my cross-stitch, spend time with the folks in Bicol and immerse my homeschooling son to the beauty and wonder of performing arts. CCP &  Aliw Theater here we come!


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